Tips For Maintaining Optimal Oral Health From Your Family Dentist in New Braunfels

August 31, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:24 pm

As we learn more about how oral health affects our overall health, it has never been more important to take care of your teeth and mouth. Besides your regular dental cleaning and checkups, there are many things you can do at home to help maintain your oral health. Dr. David Earnest, your family dentist in New Braunfels, has some helpful tips on how to make the most of your home care routine.

Use Proper Brushing and Flossing Techniques

Most of us understand how important it is to brush at least twice per day, and floss at least once, but did you know that how you brush is just as important as how often? First, you should be brushing for at least two minutes, and that may seem like a long time, but think 30 seconds per quadrant. Use a soft-bristled brush to avoid injury to your gum tissue and focus on soft circular motions. Brushing too fast and vigorously can cause damage to your gums and lead to gum recession.

When flossing, make sure to use enough floss so you’ll have clean floss for each tooth. Wrap the floss around your fingers and use a gentle up and down motion around each side of your tooth. Again, be careful not to push too hard on your gums, which can cause injury.

Quit Bad Habits

There are a lot of bad habits that can negatively affect your oral health such as smoking or tobacco use. Not only does tobacco discolor your teeth, it increases your risk for other conditions such as oral cancer and periodontal disease. Quitting smoking and tobacco use benefits both your oral health and your overall health and well-being.

Habits such as chewing on ice, pencils, even fingernails are also not good for your teeth. Using your teeth to bite or chew on anything other than food increases your risk for fractures, chipping, or other damage.

Eat Healthy Foods

Eating fruits and vegetables is good for our bodies! It’s also good for our oral health, and this is because fruits and veggies actually neutralize the acids in our mouths that cause tooth decay. They also increase saliva flow, which helps to wash away the food debris that causes plaque buildup. Be sure to eat more fruits and veggies.

At Comal Dental, our goal is to help you achieve and maintain optimum oral health for a lifetime, and this is why we take the time to educate our patients about their teeth. We offer high quality dental care in a friendly and comfortable environment. With a wide range of services, we hope to meet all of your dental needs at our practice. Contact our office today to schedule your next appointment.

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