Fear Not: Visit the Sedation Dentist in New Braunfels

October 19, 2015

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If you’re like most people, you probably wouldn’t ever associate the words “comfortable” and “dentistry.” The thought may even make you chuckle. We understand that many adults believe going to the dentist has to be a painful experience — and you may have a little anxiety surrounding your dental care as a result. But at Comal Dental, we know that visiting the dentist doesn’t have to be a scary or dreadful experience — that’s because we bring comfort to our dental office with sedation dentistry. Learn more about how Dr. David Earnest, your sedation dentist in New Braunfels, can help you relax your way through your next dental appointment.

Offering Comfort Through Sedation Dentistry

Comal Dental is proud to serve its patients with effective sedative options for their dental treatments. We offer you the following in sedation dentistry.

Nitrous Oxide

Also known commonly as laughing gas, nitrous oxide is a great option for providing a little bit of relaxation during routine treatments like fillings and cleanings, even to those who don’t suffer from major dental anxiety — because we believe everyone could benefit from being a little more relaxed in the dental chair.

Nitrous oxide is a vapor you breathe in through a mask that covers your nose. Patients love it for the warm comfort it provides, and we love it because it helps you relax so we can get your teeth back to healthy. One of the best things about nitrous oxide is that its effects wear off as soon as we remove the mask, meaning you can drive away from your procedure and go on with your day as usual.

Oral Conscious Sedation

Oral conscious sedation is a stronger sedative option for those who experience a more significant amount of anxiety, or for patients wanting to complete long dental treatments in just one visit. Oral conscious sedation is achieved by administering an oral pill about an hour before the treatment begins. Once its effects have taken over, your dentist can begin work — and you can sit back and relax. While under oral conscious sedation you’re still technically conscious — it’s in the name, after all — but you’re totally comfortable and removed from what’s going on around you.

Because this option offers a deeper sedation, you should plan to have a loved one drive you home after your treatment, and monitor you for the next 24 hours. Most patients experience few symptoms related to sedation — and few remember anything at all from their procedure!

Call Your Sedation Dentist Today

If you think you would benefit from a more comfortable dental experience, don’t hesitate to find out for yourself what sedation dentistry has to offer you. Request your appointment at Comal Dental today — we’re proud to serve New Braunfels, Northcliff, and surrounding communities with dental care you feel good about about.

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