The Differences Between Snoring and Sleep Apnea

September 19, 2015

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Getting a good night’s sleep is essential in maintaining excellent overall health. Not receiving the proper amount of sleep can be detrimental for your health. Not only can it leave you feeling overly exhausted, but it can impact your business and personal life as well. Typically, patients that suffer from loud snoring are typically diagnosed as being sleep apnea sufferers, but this isn’t necessarily the case. Just because a patient snores loudly during the night doesn’t translate to sleep apnea. Knowing the differences between the two is essential in deciding whether or not a patient is dealing with a sleep apnea problem.

Our office in New Braunfels, TX can help assist with any possible sleep apnea symptoms you’re experiencing. While excessive snoring is a symptom of sleep apnea, it isn’t a sure-fire one. It’s important to visit with our staff and let us properly diagnose the problem. Among the excellent services we provide at Comal Dental, sleep apnea therapy can help keep your health protected while giving you and your partner a wonderful night’s rest. Get treated for sleep apnea, New Braunfels residents.

Snoring vs. Sleep Apnea

Did you know there are roughly 90 million people that suffer from sleep apnea in this country? That’s a lot of people. Not all snorers are created equal as there are different snoring types. Half of the 90 million people are primary snorers, which are more commonly known as “simple snorers.” These patients are naturally noisy sleepers without any sleep apnea symptoms. The other half of snorers actually do exhibit sleep apnea symptoms during their sleep, and they’re known as obstructive sleep apnea sufferers.

Obstructive sleep apnea involves the cessation of breathing, or momentary pause of breathing altogether. This can have patients moving in and out of deep sleep because of a complete cut-off or pause in their breathing. These two conditions are commonly used interchangeably, which results in an incorrect diagnosis. Obstructive sleep apnea almost always translates to loud snoring, but loud snoring doesn’t always translate to obstructive sleep apnea.

Getting tested for sleep apnea is important. It can help not only you get the much-needed sleep you deserve, but your partner as well. Sleep apnea can be detrimental for your overall health as it can release many amounts of stress hormones, leaves you feeling exhausted throughout the day and more. Habitual snoring can lead to an increased risk of high-blood pressure, stroke, diabetes and so much more. Sleep apnea is a serious medical condition that should be treated, and we’re just the ones to do it. San Marcos, Hunter and Redwood residents are encouraged to come see us if they think they are dealing with sleep apnea.

Get Treatment for Sleep Apnea, San Marcos, TX

It may not be just a snoring problem that you or your partner are suffering from. Our dental staff in New Braunfels, TX will help you figure out whether sleep apnea treatment is needed. Dr. Earnest is the dentist you can trust to help bring beauty sleep back to your nights. Get snoring treatment New Braunfels residents can trust.

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