5 Things You Should Know Before Receiving Laughing Gas

September 6, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 5:50 pm

You need to visit your dentist for some routine work, but you’re a little apprehensive due to your dental anxiety. Thankfully, there is a way to get around it – by receiving sedation dentistry with nitrous oxide. Before receiving treatment, though, there are 5 facts you should be aware of. Continue reading to find out what they are!

#1 – Laughing Gas is Nitrous Oxide

The technical term for laughing gas, nitrous oxide is the most typical form of sedation dentistry. It is highly relied upon because of its safety and effectiveness at quieting anxiety. The medication is mixed with oxygen and delivered through a mask, but, unlike general anesthesia, nitrous oxide won’t put you to sleep.

Instead, inhaling the mixture will give you a tingly, euphoric feeling that may make you prone to “laughter.” Overall, it allows you to feel a lot more comfortable about what may otherwise be an unfavorable situation.

#2 – Administering Nitrous Oxide is Simple

There are no shots or IVs necessary for administering laughing gas. All that is required is to breathe normally. The medication will quickly enter your lungs and take effect.

#3 – Nitrous Oxide Has Been Around for Centuries

For over 200 years, medical professionals have used nitrous oxide. It was first discovered in 1793 by an English scientist named Joseph Priestly. Over 200 years later, it remains the most widely used anesthetic.

#4 – Nitrous Oxide Offers Several Benefits

Here are some specific reasons that dentists are so fond of using nitrous oxide:

  • The depth of sedation can easily be adjusted.
  • In only 2 to 3 minutes, the effects can be felt.
  • It is harmless to the brain, heart, liver, lungs and kidneys.
  • It can safely be used for younger patients and those with disabilities.

#5 – You Can Recover Fast

Within minutes of the medication being discontinued, the effects wear off. Thus, you can drive yourself to and from the dentist and carry out your normal daily activities. That also means that you do not have to follow any involved pre-treatment steps.

If you are feeling nervous and anxious about receiving a preventive or restorative treatment, you do not have to miss out on the valuable care you need. You now have a way to visit your dentist in the most worry-free capacity possible. To learn more about what laughing gas-nitrous oxide can do for you, reach out to your local dentist to schedule a consultation.

About the Author

Dr. David Earnest is a graduate of the University of Texas, and he has been practicing in his hometown of Comal for nearly a decade. Throughout his career, he has worked tirelessly to expand his knowledge, taking several hours of continuing education in dental anesthesia and other areas. Additionally, Dr. Earnest maintains affiliation with the Academy of General Dentistry and other professional organizations. He provides sedation dentistry in a calm and relaxed environment at Comal Dental, and he can be reached for more information or to schedule a visit through his website.

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