Regular Vs. Mini Dental Implants in New Braunfels: Which Is Right for You?

November 13, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 12:19 am

The interest in dental implants in New Braunfels is growing by the day as more and more people learn about this breakthrough form of oral therapy. But regular implants are best suited to people with sufficient amounts of strong, healthy bone in their jaw and facial structure. One alternative is to opt for mini-implants, which require less underlying support. Are they a better option? Let’s consider this question.

How Dental Implants Work

The key advantage that sets dental implants apart from other types of restoration is in the way they act like the recipient’s natural teeth. The base of the implant actually merges with the human body through a natural process called osseointegration. This is important for three reasons:

  1. Like your body’s muscles, your bones require regular use in order to stay strong and healthy. When the tooth loss process begins, the bones in your face and jaw can begin to erode or atrophy, affecting your appearance and making tasks like eating or speaking more difficult.
  2. Just like your natural teeth, dental implants interact with the underlying bone structure, giving it needed stimulation and safeguarding the recipient’s health and appearance.
  3. Because dental implants are actually part of the person’s body, they avoid the limitations of traditional dentures, allowing the patient to live a full and active lifestyle free of worry.

For some people, however, the bone atrophy process has already begun. Traditionally, correcting this issue required surgical grafting. Mini-implants were designed to help these people enjoy the benefits of implant therapy sooner than they otherwise might.

How Mini-Implants Work

Traditional implants contain three elements:

  1. A single, helical titanium base that fuses with the underlying bone.
  2. An adjoining post known as an abutment.
  3. The restoration itself.

Mini-implants differ by using two smaller base/abutment supports for the restoration. They require less underlying bone for support than traditional designs.

The mini-implant approach can enable the patient to complete the treatment process sooner. However, it can lengthen post-surgical recovery times. Also, in some cases it may create added stress on the restoration itself. Most experts believe that the traditional implant design offers a better outcome for the patient.

Each case is unique. Your implant dentist in New Braunfels will perform a complete evaluation of your existing bone structure and your current state of dental health. He or she will make recommendations based on this information.

Keeping patients informed is an integral part of modern dental medicine. It’s important for you to understand your treatment options so that you can partner with your dentist in achieving your healthcare goals. Make a list of any questions you may have regarding implant therapy, including mini-implants, and bring them with you to your appointment.

Dental implants are a great way to renew your lease on life. They enable patients to eat a well-rounded diet, participate in social and professional functions, relax with friends and family, and enjoy an active lifestyle, all without the awkwardness and worry associated with wearing traditional dentures. The time and effort you spend learning about your treatment options today will help you to reap rich rewards tomorrow.

About the Author

Dr. David Ernest opened Comal Dental in 2013 after completing his DDS degree at the University of Texas. An outstanding general dentist, he’s also skilled in cosmetic and restorative procedures including implant therapy. You can reach his office online or by calling (830) 625-1515.

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