How Long Does It Take to Get Dentures?

December 4, 2021

Filed under: Restorative Dentistry — tntadmin @ 9:01 pm

When your oral health situation needs help, sometimes dentures can be just what the dentist ordered. If you lost all your natural teeth, they could restore your smile, fill out the appearance of your face and profile, plus allow you to eat and speak much better than you can without teeth.

If they sound like a good option, you might be wondering how long the process will take from your consultation until you have the dentures in hand. Keep reading to understand the timeline for getting dentures in New Braunfels.

Are Teeth Extractions involved?

If no teeth extractions are needed, the process usually takes 3-4 appointments. With extractions, it will be longer – extraction sites can take several months to heal. Once your mouth has recovered, your dentist can start making the dentures.

Getting Started

Your dentist begins by making impressions of the ridges in your mouth. They will take measurements to ensure your bite pattern is correct. It is important that prosthetic teeth are the right length and width, or they can change your appearance. Your dentures will be fabricated in a lab, so for 2-3 weeks, you’ll have temporary dentures.

Placing Your Dentures

When the dentures are placed in your mouth, sometimes further adjustments are required. To avoid sores from ill-fitting dentures, patients may have their dentures adjusted regularly.

Are You a Viable Candidate for Dentures?

Now that you’re familiar with the process for getting dentures, how do you know if this is the treatment that aligns with your needs? Individuals who have suffered moderate to severe tooth loss may be candidates for full or partial dentures. Any necessary preliminary treatments like tooth extractions or gum disease therapy must be addressed before you are approved to get dentures.

Before you commit to traditional full or partial dentures, you should ask your dentist about implant dentures. They gain their support from small titanium posts that are surgically implanted in your jaw instead of from natural suction or metal attachments. Implant dentures are sturdier and feel more natural.

When you are considering a new addition to your mouth with dentures or anything of the sort, it is important to understand what the process will entail and the reasons you are making the move. However, the only way to know for sure that you are making the right choice for your smile is to schedule a consultation with your dentist in New Braunfels.

About the Author

Dr. David Earnest earned his dental doctorate at the University of Texas, and he opened the doors to Comal Dental in 2013. He’s a member of the American Dental Association and Academy of General Dentistry. If you are interested in dentures, Dr. Earnest offers partials, full dentures, or implant-retained dentures. Be thinking about questions you’d like to ask because he will be able to go over every detail with you at your initial consultation, which you can schedule on his website or by calling (830) 625-1515.  

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