6 Tips to Help You Survive Your First Week With Your Clear Aligners

July 13, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 6:23 pm

After years of suffering from a misaligned and crooked smile, you finally get the chance to straighten it without the hassle of brackets and wires using ClearCorrect aligners. This modern orthodontic treatment comes with a variety of benefits that you can’t get with traditional braces, making it worth the week-long adjustment period.  As with any oral appliance, your mouth will have to get used to it, so to make the process easier on yourself, read on for six tips to help you get through the first week.

Get Your Tongue Acclimated to Feeling the Aligners

Oral appliances can make your mouth feel full and like your tongue is constantly out of place. The edges of your clear aligners may irritate your tongue at first, but it will eventually adjust to the feeling. To speed up this process, you can use dental wax to help cover the areas that are bothering you. If that doesn’t do the trick, you can ask your dentist to file the area down for you.

Treat Your Discomfort With Over-the-Counter Medicine

When you switch to a new series of clear aligners in your treatment, you may notice that they’re slightly tighter for the first couple of days. This can cause some soreness, but nothing that can’t be remedied with over-the-counter pain medication like ibuprofen. You can also create a chewing motion with your mouth to help massage your gums and stimulate blood flow as a natural pain reliever.

Find Sanitary Ways to Insert and Take Out Your Trays

Placing new trays in your mouth can be tough the tighter they get. That’s why they’ve created special tools that are designed to make it easy to insert and remove your trays. While your hands may work for you now, as the treatment progresses it can get more difficult, so you may want to invest in one of these devices.

Keep Track of How Long They’re In Your Mouth For Each Day

As with any orthodontic treatment, you have to actually wear your oral appliance to get the results you’d like. That’s why it’s important to get used to wearing your aligners for 22 hours each day. To get in the habit, you can download a mobile app or set a timer on your phone to see how long you’ve worn them for. Some apps can also double as a calendar reminder to switch to your new set of trays every two weeks.

Clean Your Trays Regularly

To keep your trays clean and clear, it’s important to regularly clean and sanitize them. You can do this by using a soft-bristled brush and clear antibacterial soap. Also, be sure to soak them in either a 50/50 mixture of water and vinegar or a specially made solution. Just remember not to use hot water because it can warp your aligners.

Develop a New Routine and Stick to It

The first week of your treatment is critical because it’s when you start to develop good habits. As you start your journey with ClearCorrect treatment, establish a personal routine that you can get used to completing every day. This will make the process hassle-free and help protect you from experiencing any discomfort or issues along the way.

About the Author

Dr. David Earnest is an active member of a variety of professional organizations so he can keep up to date with the latest advancements in his field. He enjoys having the opportunity to develop long-lasting relationships with his patients so he can provide them with individualized and reliable care they deserve. He’s passionate about putting his patients’ minds at ease and optimizing their oral health. For questions or to schedule a consultation to get ClearCorrect, visit Comal Dental’s website or contact 830-625-1515.

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