Do I Need a Checkup with the Dentist New Braunfels Prefers Twice a Year?

November 16, 2015

For many patients, twice annual visits to the dentist are an ingrained habit, but for some, these visits are a dreaded task. The American Dental Association recommends patients visit the dentist every six months, and the Comal Dental team typically makes the same recommendation. However, it’s important to note that, as in all dental care, there is no one-size-fits-all solution for how often patients should visit the dentist. Twice a year seems to be an adequate interval to diagnose and treat even the most detrimental oral health concerns in their early stages. However, patients with chronic gingivitis, smokers, and those with immune compromising illnesses should likely visit the dentist much more frequently to maintain oral health. At Comal Dental, our New Braunfels dentist and team offer patients an opportunity to develop and customize a preventive dentistry treatment plan that meets their unique needs and smile goals.

Benefits of Six Month Dental Checkups and Cleanings

Regular dental checkups and teeth cleanings have numerous benefits. Possibly the most important reason is that patients are able to maintain oral health, and increase the likelihood of keeping their natural teeth for life. Other benefits of regular dental checkups include:

  • Early diagnosis of potentially detrimental oral health concerns
  • Conservative treatment plans due to early diagnosis
  • Reduced risk for the most damaging oral health issues
  • Saved money from more complex dental care required if oral health concerns progress

Checkups at Comal Dental

At Comal Dental, we strive to help dental patients feel comfortable and welcome during every visit. Twice a year dental checkups and teeth cleanings are our opportunity to diagnose and treat oral health concerns at their earliest possible stages. In addition to periodic x-rays, thorough dental examinations, and professional teeth cleanings, our New Braunfels dentist and team provide patients with one-to-one dental consultations, education in at-home oral hygiene, and screenings for tooth decay, gum disease, oral cancer, bruxism (teeth grinding and clenching), and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. Our goal is to offer patients a personalized treatment plan that meets individual needs, budgets, and schedules.

Find out more From Your Family Dentist New Braunfels

If you’re new in town or overdue for a dental checkup, contact the friendly team at Comal Dental. We love to help patients achieve and maintain their optimal level of oral health.

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