Maximizing Your Dental Insurance Before the End of the Year

November 15, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 3:14 pm

If your dental insurance is based on the calendar year, pretty soon your plan will reset, and you’ll lose any benefits that you haven’t utilized yet. For many Americans, this could mean losing hundreds of dollars that could have been used to protect their pearly whites. Do you want to save money on your dental care? Read on to learn more about the importance of using your dental benefits and seeing the dentist before January.

Why You Should Take Advantage of Your Dental Insurance

While insurance is often thought of as money set aside for an emergency, there are many reasons to use your dental benefits now instead of letting them expire:

  • Your yearly maximum – the amount your plan will pay for dental care during the year – will reset, and leftover money won’t roll over. Getting the most out of your benefits means reaching or exceeding this amount.
  • You only need to meet your deductible once during the year but come January you’ll have to pay it again before your insurance carrier provides any coverage. Keep your out-of-pocket costs as low as possible by seeing the dentist before the deductible becomes a factor again.
  • Since you need to pay premiums to keep your insurance, you’ll only save money if you actually cash in on your benefits.
  • Finally, using dental insurance means having important dental work done – and that means preventing cavities and gum disease from becoming severe issues that are more costly to treat.

What Does Insurance Typically Cover?

Dental insurance is all about prevention. Most plans will pay 100 percent of the cost of preventive care like checkups and cleanings. You can also expect them to cover most of the cost of fillings and other simple procedures. For crowns and other major treatments, insurance will usually pay about half of the cost. Of course, each plan is different, so don’t forget to review your benefits before deciding how to use them.

What Can You Do to Utilize Your Benefits?

If your dentist tells you that you need a root canal or another procedure that often requires multiple visits, you should at least begin the treatment before the end of the year. This way you can utilize your 2019 benefits and still have next year’s benefits to help pay for the rest of the treatment.

Even if you don’t need a specific type of dental work done, you should at least see your dentist in New Braunfels two times a year for routine checkups and cleanings; not only will these visits bring you closer to your yearly maximum, but they’ll also give you a chance to detect oral cancer, tooth decay, and other oral health issues that are easier to treat in the early stages.

Above all else, don’t procrastinate. Waiting to have dental work done could seriously harm your smile as well as your savings. Get in touch with a dentist near you today to start making a plan to put your benefits to good use!

About the Author

Dr. David Earnest earned a Doctor of Dental Surgery from the University of Texas and is a member of the Academy of General Dentistry. He loves building relationships with his patients and helping them feel comfortable while they receive the care they need. To schedule an appointment at his practice, Comal Dental, or to ask about dental insurance, visit his website or call (830) 625-1515.

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