Dental Implants vs. Dental Bridge: Which To Choose?

July 21, 2015

Filed under: Dental Implants — Tags: , , , , — tntadmin @ 8:31 pm

Have you been hiding your smile lately? If you have, why is that? If you’re like millions of other Americans, you’re suffering from the discomfort and unsightliness of missing teeth. They can be a real drag on your confidence, and the last thing you want is low confidence. A spry you is the best you, not one who hands their head or hides a smile because of missing teeth. At our office in New Braunfels, TX our restorative dentistry services, including dental implants and bridges, are specifically designed to help bring your smile back to where it used to be when you were younger. Just imagine; a smile that makes you feel and look years younger. It’s possible to achieve all of this when you receive dental implant and bridge treatment. Which is the best option for your situation? By the end of this blog, you should have a great idea of which treatment will best help your dental situation best.

Tell Me Everything About Dental Bridges

What exactly is a dental bridge. Well, to start, it basically “bridges” the gap left by missing teeth. They can be made of many types of materials but are most often customized in gold, alloy, porcelain or a combination of the two. Unlike partial dentures or other restorative products, bridges are permanent thus keeping your tooth replacement stabilized. You can go back to enjoying the many pleasures of life including food. Chew and speak freely without hesitation from missing teeth. That’s why they call it a part of restorative dentistry; it restores your smile back to normal. Everyone wants a smile that they can show off, and dental bridges can provide you with years of comfort and peak functionality.

What Makes Dental Implants So Great?

Though they help fill the void missing teeth have left behind, dental implants are a smidge different than dental bridges. They are artificial tooth roots that help curb jaw bone loss. Talk about euphoria for a jaw bone, dental implants help stimulate the area while at the same time preventing bone loss. Typically, ideal dental implant candidates have average-to-good bone density, don’t drink or smoke, and take exceptional care of their oral health.

How Did I Get Here To Begin With?

Losing teeth is an unfortunate part of life, especially when you’re older. Unfortunately, not all of us have perfect teeth and when they’re missing, it can cause you to hide your smile. Having a mouth full of missing teeth is no accident, there are several reasons for why teeth disappear:

  • Excessive tooth decay
  • Failed root canal
  • Big cavities
  • Various dental injuries
  • Disease of the gums
  • Tooth trauma
  • Normal wear and tear

The good news is you won’t have to suffer from missing teeth much longer using our proven restorative dentistry methods. So, what will it be: dental implants or a dental bridge? Dr. David Earnest has the answer.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Relieve the pain and discomfort of missing teeth and talk with Dr. Earnest about possible dental bridge or dental implant therapy. He will sit down and discuss your options after thoroughly inspecting your mouth. We are happy to serve the entire New Braunfels, TX area and the surrounding communities of Hunter, Redwood, Geronimo, San Marcos and beyond.

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