How Many Teeth Can I Replace with Dental Implants in New Braunfels?

January 12, 2019

Filed under: Dental Implants — Tags: — tntadmin @ 3:50 pm

Are you among the 120 million Americans who are missing at least one tooth? Maybe you are amid the 35 million adults who do not have any remaining natural teeth? You have heard about the benefits of dental implants in New Braunfels, but you are not sure if they can help you because you have more than one empty space in your smile. Contrary to common belief, you do not need to replace each tooth individually. No matter if you are missing a single tooth, multiple teeth, or an entire arch, dental implants can help.

What are Dental Implants?

Over 500,000 people each year have come to prefer dental implants to replace their missing teeth because they are the next best thing to your natural ones. They are the only solution to treat both the root and the crown.

Surgically placing an implant post into your jawbone acts as a new root to stimulate bone growth. This not only preserves your bone density but also fosters a secure bond between the post and your jaw. Your implant post will stay securely in place to allow an abutment to be attached to it to connect a custom-made restoration.

This unique treatment process gives dental implants over a 95% success rate for a long-term solution to complete your smile. Depending on how many teeth you are missing, your treatment process will vary slightly.

Options to Replace Your Missing Teeth

Dental implants can be used as an alternative to traditional treatments, like a bridge or denture. Your implant dentist in New Braunfels will evaluate your oral health and discuss your treatment options.

Single Missing Tooth

A single missing tooth is replaced using an implant post, an abutment, and a crown. Your restoration is crafted to match the appearance of your natural teeth to blend in seamlessly when you smile.

Multiple Missing Teeth

One to three consecutive missing teeth can be replaced with an alternative to a traditional fixed bridge. Instead of placing dental crowns on the adjacent teeth to hold the bridge in place, an average of one to two implant posts anchor it to your jawbone.

Missing All Your Teeth

You can skip the slipping and irritation of a traditional denture using dental implants. An average of four implant posts secure your denture to your jaw instead of using suction or an adhesive. This allows you to restore as much as 70% of your biting force while also giving you the confidence you need to chew, smile, and speak.

Complete Your Smile Today!

You can invest in your quality of life with dental implants. Fill the empty spaces in your smile using a solution that can last for a lifetime.

About Dr. David Earnest

Dr. David Earnest offers advanced treatments catering to his patients’ individual needs, including dental implants. As a member of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists, he has the solutions you need to replace your missing teeth. Contact Comal Dental today to see if dental implants are the right option for you.

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