Dental Implants from the Dentist New Braunfels Trusts

December 7, 2015

Filed under: Restorative Dentistry,Uncategorized — Tags: , , — tntadmin @ 2:54 pm

If you are missing teeth, then you’re familiar with the challenges. Even one missing tooth can make eating a healthy diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables difficult. Missing teeth can affect your ability to speak clearly, because teeth are vital to pronunciation and enunciation. Then, of course, there’s the knowledge that everyone who’s looking at you when you smile or speak sees the gaping hole in your mouth. You know you need to replace your teeth, but how? At Comal Dental, Dr. David Earnest and his team often use dental implants to take the place of missing teeth and restore natural-looking smiles.

A dental implant is a biocompatible post made of titanium that is surgically positioned in the jawbone to replace your missing tooth root. As you heal from surgery the post and surrounding bone bond together to create a sturdy foundation. Furthermore, the post aids in keeping your jawbone healthy and strong; with the post in place, new bone tissue grows. After a time, you’ll return to Comal Dental where Dr. Earnest will attach a porcelain crown to the dental implant for a single missing tooth, or an implant supported bridge or denture in the case of several missing teeth.

Are You a Candidate for Dental Implants, New Braunfels?

Most people are qualified candidates for New Braunfels dental implants, but there are some ground rules that often make a difference between success and failure with implants. Some of the qualifications are:

Healthy gum tissue. Just as healthy gums support your teeth, so too your gums will need to support a dental implant as it bonds with your jawbone. Unfortunately, patients with gum disease may be at risk of dental implant failure.

Adequate bone. Sufficient bone volume is necessary to firmly anchor your implants in place. If your bone density is low, then Dr. Earnest may recommend a bone grafting procedure to restore bone volume.

Good general health. First of all and although minor, receiving a dental implant does require surgery, so the ability to heal is important. Therefore, people who have diabetes, connective-tissue diseases, hemophilia, or an immunosuppressive illness may not be a qualified dental implants candidate.

Good oral health. To receive dental implants requires a commitment to maintaining excellent oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth twice each day and flossing once a day are essential, along with regularly scheduled dental checkup at Comal Dental.

No signs of bruxism. Bruxism, or teeth grinding and clenching can compromise the ability of a dental implant to fuse with surrounding bone tissue.

Call Our Office Today

If you would like to find out whether or not you are a candidate for dental implants in New Braunfels, TX, then contact Comal Dental to schedule a consultation. Dr. Earnest and his staff welcome patients from the New Braunfels, TX area including San Marcos and Northcliff.

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