5 Dangers of Mail-In Aligners

February 14, 2021

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1. No Supervision by a Professional

Visiting a dentist or orthodontist may seem like an inconvenience, which is one reason mail-in aligners appealing. While it might keep you out of the dental chair, it can open the door to several complications. During your treatment, you won’t be under the supervision of a professional to monitor the movement of your teeth to ensure there aren’t any unexpected obstacles.

2. Not Tailored to You

If you’re not under the care of a dentist, your treatment using clear aligners may not be tailored to your specifications because your plan won’t be adjusted as needed. As a result, the aligners you receive in the mail may not reflect the actual steps your teeth need. If your teeth begin moving in an unanticipated direction, it can lead to big problems down the road.

3. Limited Treatment Options

Mail-order aligners require you to send an impression of your mouth to the company. A dentist will review the impression to see if you’re a candidate. Unfortunately, patients who have complicated issues may not be able to fix their bite and alignment concerns. Choosing a professional system, like ClearCorrect, can be used to resolve a variety of imperfections that aren’t possible using mail-in options.

4. Unexpected Dental Expenses

If an issue arises throughout your treatment, it won’t be detected because you aren’t being monitored by a dentist. You might end up with significant damage to your teeth and gums, like tooth loss and gum recession. As a result, you could require many expensive and painful corrective procedures to reverse the complications.

5. Outdated Techniques

Traditional impression material is outdated because it leaves too much room for error, which could affect your aligners. Dental offices use digital impressions and state-of-the-art technology to ensure accurate results.

Invest in a Straight Smile

If you want to correct your bite and alignment issues, skip the risk of mail-in aligners. ClearCorrect is a nearly invisible treatment to help you achieve the results you want without any unnecessary complications. Your dentist will create a series of personalized aligners to move your teeth gradually and safely into position. You’ll wear the aligners for at least 22 hours per day. After finishing your series, you’ll have a straight, dazzling smile you’ll want to show off.

Don’t risk your smile using a mail-in solution. Choose a professional to reach your orthodontic goals.

About Dr. David Earnest

Dr. Earnest earned his dental degree at the University of Texas. He has completed advanced training in many specialties, like ClearCorrect. As a member of the American Dental Association, you can rest assured your smile is in good hands. Contact our office today to see if you’re a candidate for ClearCorrect.